The attacker is the team that has possession of the ball. During the positioning phase, the user may make as many actions as they are able.

The actions they may make are:

Play cards: You may pay the energy cost on a card in your hand to play it to one of the 6 spaces on your side of the pitch. You may also play a card into a space which is already occupied by another card, so long as that card is not in possession of the ball. The card being replaced is put into the discard pile. Cards with the FAST ability can be played during this phase.

Use abilities: Many cards have abilities that can be used during play. Some may require a cost to use them (e.g. spending energy tokens, exhausting the card, or discarding cards from your hand). Each ability may only be used once per round.

Move: You can exhaust a card to move it to an orthogonally adjacent space. If another card is already in that space, you can have them swap positions (the card being moved from the desired space is not exhausted). You cannot move into the ball carrier’s space as the ball carrier cannot move.

Pass: You can choose to pass the ball to an orthogonally adjacent or diagonally adjacent card, this will exhaust the card originally in possession.

When the attacker is done making as many actions as they wish, they yield to the team without possession (the defender).